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Sacred Cows, Righteous Beefs by Kurt Schoenberg (Mark Schoenberg)

Sacred Cows, Righteous Beefs

by Kurt Schoenberg (Mark Schoenberg)

304 pages
The plague of political correctness and the curse of psychobabble.

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Category: Reference
About the Book
Sacred Cows are not to be talked about. That's the nature of the beast.

By definition, they're sacrosanct - not open to question. Which doesn't sit well with a whole lot of people.

So they beef about it. And as often as not, the beefs are righteous.

Political correctness is today's icon, the contemporary sacred cow. The objectives are okay - all right, maybe better than okay! - but once in a while the PC folk get carried away and allow zeal to override commonsense. So then the message is apt to be shot down along with the messenger. And that's a shame. Or to paraphrase Trollope, How can theories stand the wear and tear of practice once they've been bent out of shape?

This book targets politically correct yuckiness.

Many dumb things are said and done in the name of political correctness. Schoenberg takes aim at some of the dumbness, and at the psychobabble and bafflegab that have become trademarks of the movement.

When a man and his wife are roughed up and have their car stolen in a midday car heist, one of the police officers tells the victims that they're lucky because it could have played out so much worse. A literal-minded observation to be sure, but one that raises the question - must one be grateful that the guy who tried to do him in hadn't done a more thorough job?

It's a defining moment. And leads to more questions, more issues that need sorting out. The author interviews a number of people presumed to have expertise in socio-political matters. While a couple of the experts are clearly out to lunch, others do provide valuable insight. For balance, Schoenberg goes online to check things out with some of the regulars on the message boards. These folk are not shy about giving their opinion, on any subject. Some of the comments are profound, others are profane. But on balance, funny as hell.

Be warned. This book is politically incorrect. It will raise hackles, and the chattering classes will not be amused.



About the Author
Mark Schoenberg is a past president of the International Association of Counseling Services and past chair of the Section on Counselling Psychology, Canadian Psychological Association. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association and a Member of the American Psychological Association.

Dr. Schoenberg is an Emeritus Professor, Memorial University.



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