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High Performance Linux Shell Programming Reference    2015 Edition by Edward J. Smeltz

High Performance Linux Shell Programming Reference 2015 Edition

by Edward J. Smeltz

816 pages
Practical Resource for the Linux Shell Programmer

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About the Book
If you get stuck while driving a car, you call a tow truck. If you get stuck while shell scripting, what do you do? You pick up a copy of the High Performance Linux Shell Programming Reference. Check out the extensive English-to-shell programming dictionary spanning Sections 2 and 3. Look up in English what you want to do then read the shell language line that does that. Modify the example code if needed and make it part of your script. Chances are you’ll be unstuck and making progress on your script again in no time.

While you are working on your script, check out the tutorial and handbook in Section 4. See how to speed-test your script and how to identify specific modifications you can make to increase its execution speed. Learn more than 50 ways to harden your script against things that can go wrong at run time. Did you ever want to conditionally change data flow in the middle of a command pipeline? See Section 4. Did you ever wish there was a cross-reference between awk, grep, and sed so that you could easily substitute one command for another to execute a given regular expression? See Section 4 for more than 200 examples of that.

Whether you are an experienced shell scripter or a novice, this book has something to offer. Filled with practical knowledge and literally thousands of examples, it might be the last shell script book you ever have to buy. Would you like to do integer or floating point math in your script? The book shows how to deal with adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, modulus, powers, square roots, logs, trig functions, hyperbolic trig functions, Bessel functions, standard deviations, primes, non-primes, randoms, date computations, means, medians, modes, maxes, mins, and more. Are you dealing with text files? The book shows how to perform numerous kinds of text manipulations on a file or data stream. If you need I/O redirection ideas, the book shows not only how to redirect I/O on the local computer, it also shows ways to redirect I/O between local and remote computers. Do you want to detect what the computer equipment is doing or how it is configured? All of Section 3 and parts of Section 4 are devoted to that. And if you want a shopping list of commands from which to get ideas, Section 1 has a chapter listing more than 600 commands.



About the Author
Mr. Smeltz grew up in northern Ohio, attended Willard High School and Otterbein University. He is the husband of Mary and the father of three children, now grown. With more than three decades of computer experience, he shares a wealth of knowledge about Linux shell programming.



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