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Knotcher Land by David Wolff

Knotcher Land

by David Wolff

84 pages
The beginning, rise and demise of a civilization.

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Category: Fiction
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About the Book
Knotcher Land is an account of what happened when beings from outside appeared on the planet known as Knotcher Land. Upon arrival the outsiders, called Lloyds, conflicted with the natural inhabitants of Knotcher Land and eventually with each other. The natural inhabitants consisted of four kingdoms: Animal, Plant, Insect and microorganisms. The Lloyds consisted of four different races: Black, Yellow, White and Red. The conflicts take a terrible toll on the planet causing pollution, death and general mayhem until one of the natural kingdoms rises up to cleanse the planet of the Lloyds.



About the Author
David Wolff is a retired entrepreneur. He owned and operated a swimming pool construction company before retiring. He has a degree in electrical engineering from Penn State. He lives in West Chester, Pennsylvania with his wife Jane. They have seven children and fifteen grandchildren.



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