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PEACE, LOVE & ANGELS: My Heavenly Encounters by Gina M. Klein

PEACE, LOVE & ANGELS: My Heavenly Encounters

by Gina M. Klein

108 pages
The author’s personal stories and encounters with God’s heavenly beings.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology
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About the Book
God’s answers to our prayers aren’t always what we might expect. In fact, if we don’t pay attention, they could easily pass us by. God’s angels bring us His answers and love in so many ways, but if we’re not opened up to receiving, we may never hear His response.

In Peace, Love & Angels: My Heavenly Encounters, author Gina M. Klein shares her personal stories and encounters with many of God’s heavenly beings. What began as seeing beautiful auras and hearing soft whispers as a child has progressed over the years into a knowing: a knowing of when God’s angels are near and her prayers are being answered. Having seen the Blessed Mother and God’s messengers appear to her, she’s learned that they’re always near; and if we don’t pay attention, we may miss out on what heaven wants us to know.



About the Author
Gina M. Klein Gina M. Klein is an author of both fiction and nonfiction. With three short stories published in children’s anthologies, she is also a contributing writer for a parenting magazine in her hometown and a member of the Midwest Children’s Authors Guild, a chapter of the Missouri Writers Guild.



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