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A Saving Hurricane by Bernadette Sukley

A Saving Hurricane

by Bernadette Sukley

196 pages
Abused mother from New York survives in post-Hurricane Katrina.

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Category: Fiction:Drama
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About the Book
To escape from her abusive husband, Celeste St. John takes her children and inadvertently heads straight into New Orleans the day after Hurricane Katrina has nearly washed away the city. She lives in an abandoned home and assumes a new identity as Adele Brown. She encounters people just as desperate to start over. She and her children struggle with the rest of the city to overcome the devastation and despair. With the help of Mama Rae, the local cooking maven, she finds a new career as a chef and owner of a new restaurant. But she meets a New Orleans police officer, John Sherman, who tests her desire to keep all men at a safe distance. She has to tell him the truth and reveal the reasons for her running away from New York City.



About the Author
Bernadette Sukley Bernadette Sukley has been researching, writing and editing for over 20 years. Her work has appeared in Sports Illustrated for Women, Men's Health and Natural Health magazines. She's written and copy edited for the Danish-based expat publication, ABROAD. She currently lives in the shadow of Hawk Mountain.



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