Dogs: Heart-Warming, Soul-Stirring Stories of Our Canine Companions
by John Cali
128 pages
A book filled with wonderfully warm, true-life dog stories.
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About the Book
In this book, you will discover these, and many other, wonderfully warm true dog stories:
The miniature schnauzer who returned from the dead to protect his family.
The Belgian sheepdog who kept his sleepy human companion from crashing his car on a lonely deserted highway.
The part Labrador mixed-breed who saved her mistress from the fangs of a venomous copperhead snake by taking the bite herself.
The sheep dog who kept a faithful, five-year vigil for his dead master.
The Scottish terrier who sees ghosts.
These dog tales will warm your heart and stir your soul. They will bring you joy and tears. These beguiling canines will inspire and uplift you with their antics, their comedy, and their love for humans.
In this world, which sometimes seems so dark, dogs light up the darkness with their love and courage. They offer us a reason to rejoice and to feel good about ourselves -- a reason to celebrate life and the lives of all creatures great and small.
About the Author |
John Cali loves dogs, and has had a continuous parade of canine characters frolicking through his life. A freelance writer since 1986, John has written for magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and other publications. He’s written and published ten books and several newsletters on various topics, including business and spirituality. |