Make Money Writing for Niche Markets
by Nancy Hendrickson
128 pages
This book will show you how to get published in niche magazines. Interviews with niche editors and top writers will show you how to get started, where to find jobs, and how to beat out the competition.
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About the Book
you ready to live your dream as a freelance writer?
We freelancers make our own hours, delve into subjects we love, and
interview some of the world's most interesting characters. We can
clear out the cobwebs with a bicycles spin around the neighborhood,
or pound out a rough draft while downing a strong brew at Starbucks.
We know the pitfalls of slow checks, quirky cash flow and crazy editors,
but we wouldn't give it up for the world.
In today's economy, publishing companies are producing more and more
niche publications to satisfy focused interest groups.
--Baby boomers want to read about living to one-hundred.
--Young guys need your tips on what shoes to wear with what pants.
--Collectors wonder if their 1964 Duncan yo-yo is as valuable as they
think it is.
--Young moms want to know if they're doing it right.
--Gen X'ers crave tips on investing their 401-Ks.
What does this mean to you as a niche writer? Work, and lots of it.
Whether you're new to freelancing, or expanding into niche markets,
Make Money Writing for Niche Markets is your guide to success. I'll
give you step-by-step directions on breaking into highly focused markets,
even if you're just an average writer.
You'll discover:
-- 10 Secrets of Success
-- 5 most common query mistakes
-- Why it's a Perfect Time to Be a Niche Writer
-- How to Promote Yourself Using Mailing Lists
-- What Niche Editors Want
-- The Strategies of Successful Niche Writers
-- Where to Find Expert Sources
-- 6 Things You Need to Know About E-Mail Queries
-- How to Write Winning Queries
-- Where to Find the Newsletter That Profiles Top Markets
-- 3 Things to Do To Beat the Competition
-- The Secrets of a Great Photo Package
-- 6 Tips on Using a Mailing List to Get a Job
-- Where to Find Freelance Jobs
-- How to Find Your Niche
-- How to Get an Editor to Say "Yes"
-- 2 Must-Have Features in a Digital Camera
Benefit from the advice of the editors of Writer's Digest, Dog World,
Family Tree Magazine, History Magazine, Today's Collector and Toy
Shop on breaking into niche markets.
Five freelancers share the secrets of their success in the niche fields
of business, pets, history, food and travel.
Start Living Your Dream Today
About the Author |
Nancy Hendrickson has been a freelancer since 1987, with a list of clients that include Astronomy Magazine, eBay, LA Parent, San Diego Parent, History Magazine, Family Chronicle, Family Tree Magazine, Men's Health, Collectors.com, Discovery.com, Today's Collector, Business Life, and Smart Computing. She helps new writers get started in their dream careers through her Write Coach program. |