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Martha's Grove by Joe Harmon

Martha's Grove

by Joe Harmon

196 pages
Fiction; 187 pages; baseball, humor, faith

Paperback $15.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Hardcover $26.95   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.48 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Spiritual
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About the Book
In this sleepy little Indiana town, a 10-year-old boy does something he should never do—befriend a stranger. What draws Michael Wagoner to a man who insists their friendship remain a secret? There was nothing sinister about his behavior; yet, his anonymity in a small community seemed mysterious, especially to a child.

Michael turns solving the mystery of Jim Miller’s identity into an adventure. They share a love for baseball, but in Michael’s search for the truth, he learns they share much more. Answers seem more elusive than the white dove suddenly appearing in his back yard.

Ultimately, in uncovering why Jim Miller came to Martha’s Grove, Michael learns a greater truth. Join the adventure and share the discovery with this entertaining mix of baseball, humor, and faith.



About the Author
Joe Harmon is a Christian layman and a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University. He taught children’s Sunday school and coached little league baseball for over 15 years. Joe and his wife Martha have three boys who play and coach amateur baseball. As a hobby, his dream of writing a full length novel became a reality with Martha’s Grove. This charming story merges Joe’s faith with his love for children and baseball.



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