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The Good Mother by Kathy M. Dixon

The Good Mother

by Kathy M. Dixon

472 pages
The Good Mother is a psychological novel dealing with subjects such as physical, emotional, religious and sexual abuse. Set in rural Oklahoma, it is the profound story of an abused child.

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Category: Fiction:Drama
About the Book
The Good Mother is a psychological novel, set in rural Oklahoma in the early 1960's. It is the profound story of an abused child named Melanie. As she struggles with physical, emotional, sexual and religious abuse, she has to find ways to survive. Anorexia, bulimia, and multiple personality disorder are some of the ways Melanie finds to cope.

Desperate for help, she creates the fantasy of a Good Mother who will come one day and heal her. As Melanie fantasizes about this Good Mother, she imagines what a Good Mother would be like, and how her life would be different if this Good Mother would appear. During the course of Melanie's own search for survival, she creates a prototype to direct her own healing, a sort of reference point.

While a senior in high school, Melanie meets a lady called Victoria Franklin who is the high school counselor. At this time, Melanie's anorexic condition climaxes. At the point of death, Melanie collapses and Victoria steps in to see if she can help the child. Miraculously, or divinely inspired, Victoria, seems to understand what the child needs to overcome. Against the counsel of other professionals, Victoria breaks the standards and ignores the advice of others, becoming an intimate part of Melanie's healing process. She becomes Melanie's physical manifestation of the Good Mother. It is risky but something must be done.

Find out what happens. Read The Good Mother by Kathy M. Dixon.



About the Author
Kathy M. Dixon Kathy M. Dixon began her writing career in early 1981 and since then has completed two full-length novels, The Good Mother and The Healing. Also completed are four volumes of poetry, I Beat Quietly Now, Ordinary Words, Familiar Faces, and Shadowlands.



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