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Barker Cane Land: Healing A Child's Divorce Grief by Jeanne M. Colombo, Esq

Barker Cane Land: Healing A Child's Divorce Grief

by Jeanne M. Colombo, Esq

32 pages
Barker Cane Land is Healing a Child’s Grief caused by the Parents’ Divorce through the Spiritual Wisdom and Practical Advice Gathered from Magical Barker Canes. Straightforward and Meaningful Techniques to Journey Out of Grief That Work!

Hardcover $26.99   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Family
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About the Book
Barker Cane Land is Healing a Child’s Grief caused by the Parents’ Divorce through the spiritual wisdom and practical advice gathered from the Barker Canes. These brightly painted carnival prizes from a 1946 Midway burst forth to magical life to help the Young Lad deal with his anxiety, stress and sadness.

This Journey Out of Grief occurs due to the miraculous Barker Canes’ practical tips, sprinkled with Laughter and Love. Like it is said in Barker Cane Land, “Step up, aim well...the prize will be in your grasp!”

Barker Cane Land is a lovely book, imaginatively and vibrantly illustrated, which uniquely focuses on the young person's perspective in a divorce, instead of the parents'. The children need champions. The Barker Canes figuratively, and literally rise to the occasion, having returned to their carnival surroundings, and having taken the Young Lad with them, to enjoy all the uplifting sights, sounds and feelings of the fair.

The spiritual wisdom of the mystical Barker Canes is focused on the child's view of the grief that splatters all over when parents' separate the family. Barker Cane Land is definitely a gift for a young person who wants humor, magic and love to conquer the grief of separation due to the needs of the parents to find their own individual paths. The Barker Canes with practical, down to earth, techniques uplift the child out of worry and loss. They talk directly to this young person's soul. By traveling back in time, he is given perspective, to help him cope with the challenges of life.

The purpose of the book is to present a complicated and difficult subject in a transcendent way. The Barker Canes each have their own take on helping the Young Lad, Tryon, look at his situation, and that of his family, and find his way forward to being healed.

The Barker Canes are each unique. Allegiance, the Dog Cane, speaks of devotion and loyalty to family. Glory, the Horse Cane, is the warrior who conveys confidence and power. Zesty, the Pig Cane, explains inner courage and family support. Roma, the Dice Cane, delivers the Crystal Ball of the future and positive change. Finally, the Grand Presence, the Elephant Cane, imparts the wisdom of Love and Light.

The Grand Presence gently explains how the darkness of Grief can be pushed out of a Heart, and how a person can take back the Light through the flow and grace of Love.

Barker Cane Land is a present that each parent needs to give to the children when entering the world of divorce and separation. The themes also will help guide the parent, and can provide everyone involved with straight forward insight in an engaging, uncomplicated and gentle way.

Come join the Barker Canes. Step up and win the Prize for yourself and your family.


Barker Cane Land is a great, fast read! The wonderful illustrations reflect the words of wisdom of the magical Barker Canes, midway carnival prizes, which offer practical techniques on how to come out on the other side of divorce grief from the point of view of young people, like me.
- Justin W. Rochester, New York
Barker Cane Land is a gift to children of divorcing parents. The lessons are imparted by magical and spiritual Barker Canes, the prizes from the old carnival midways. The Dog (Allegiance), the Horse (Glory), the Elephant (the Grand Presence), and all the rest are truly amazing. A Brilliant Surprise.
- Renee P. Naples Florida
As a child who survived my parents' break up, I wish I had access to this magical book as a reference resource. This is a straightforward, but kind way to impart wisdom on this difficult subject. There are very useful lessons on coping with stress, anxiety and loss. Quite helpful!
- Jessica S. Penfield, New York



About the Author
Jeanne M. Colombo, Esq Jeanne M. Colombo, Esq. is an attorney with over four decades of "in the trenches" experience in matrimonial field of law. She has litigated, collaborated and negotiated for thousands of her clients in the complex world of divorce and custody. Jeanne has helped restructure, reestablish, and repair many a family.



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