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by Harry Gael Michaels

82 pages
This short book is about making some adjustments in school policy with reference to school psychological and counseling services that is intended to improve the overall effectiveness of high school students in their matriculation into adult society.

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Category: Education
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About the Book
Today's world is more problematic for many young people matriculating into adulthood. One can easily get sidetracked if not fully aware of his or her identity and potentials; that is, interests, capabilities, goals, social disposition and temperament. Young people of America, in the very near future, will be taking the reins of power in setting the course and destiny of the Country which is to carry the torch of liberty (with responsibility I might add) to realize one's destiny with freedom from oppression and open doors for unfettered opportunity.
This is a manual for parents of children in school, primarily, so as to instruct them as to the kinds of services they ought to expect from their school personnel.


Related Title
  • Coping with Life: A Study in Adaptation by Harry Gael Michaels
    This book is about how important learning is to a child and the development of their character and success in life. The quality and effectiveness of our wholeness in adulthood depends on our successful development as children.


About the Author
The author is a retired school psychologist with a specialization in child development and also an undergraduate degree in political science and history. What prompted his writing of this book is the ever increasing incidence of violence and civil disturbance in our society and the lack of appreciation of our essential values and purposes---particularly with reference to the education of the youth of America. It is the author's hope that this book will add some awareness and serious thought about our choice for a dark horizon or a bright future.



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