The Three Little Pigs: A Storekeeper's Story
by C. Belle Mays
44 pages
A sales wolf and his pack cater to little pigs and their families by providing building supplies and other free amenities to entice their customers to stay and live in their community permanently.
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Category: Children
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About the Book
This sales wolf presents a panorama of things that little pig customers love, and if they buy things from Hufffff's... they can enjoy them now and pay for it later. In fact, these wolves will even build your home while they feed you from their "ALL YOU CAN EAT" free food court, treat you to the spa-like atmosphere of Windy Acres that is complete with rooting grounds, mud flat, and beach. But BUYER BEWARE! The BIG BAD WOLF is hiding inside and he has plans to eat little pigs! But the sales wolf is so helpful and friendly, little pigs are excited that he and his pack are so eager to SERVE them with a SMILE! Hidden hints are in the sales pitch, signs posted around Windy Acres, and "wee little clues" throughout the book. Gestures, wolf sounds, and a wolf hunt make reading more fun.
“This is a book in picture book format for all ages. I’ve never seen this concept explored in books for children, as the main character tells us to do something that they are pretending is in our best interest—when the intent is just the opposite. Children can interpret the lie by comparing what is being said to hidden clues that show the real truth.”
- Dr. Inez Ramsey, Professor of Library Science at JMU
“Suspenseful and engaging, The Three Little Pigs: Storekeeper’s Story is a power-packed book. Well illustrated and cleverly written, it provides a new twist to an old familiar story. Her subtlety in disguising the wolf’s full intentions captures the reader’s imagination. Its climactic ending is depicted by the wolf who dons a chef’s hat. Now we know how he wants to “serve” little pigs. Three Little Pigs holds great appeal for children and may be used as a teaching tool: Things are not always as they appear, and the easy way is not always the best way!"
- Angie B. Williams, Pastor, Public Speaker and Author
About the Author |
A storyteller since she was a little girl playing with her cousins and creating 'entertainment' for family and friends, C. Belle Mays became a Masters-degreed Library Media Specialist in Education. Her real dream, however, was to be a published author, where she could not only instill a love of reading in local county and city schools, but into the lives of children everywhere while helping them also think 'outside the box.' She knows that books can not only entertain, but launch young readers into lifelong habits of seeking more information while developing critical thinking skills in the process. |