PRAYING God's Word of Protection Against Racism and Injustice: Fervent Prayers Over Your Family Against Racial Violence
by Iwalola Ademodi Oshinowo
142 pages
Inside the pages of “Praying God’s Word of Protection Against Racism and Injustice”, you will find how to use the Word of God to pray fervent prayers over your children and family against racial violence and injustice. Fight Racism with prayers.
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About the Book
There is a racial divide going on in our society, without a solution in sight. Do you ever watch the news and feel overwhelmed? Do you wish you could do something to bridge the gap but have no clue where to start?
As a person of color or a parent to a child of color, are you concerned for the lives of your family members? Do you wish there is a way to protect your child(ren) from police brutality?
Author Iwalola Oshinowo (aka Lola) was infused with the passion to pray fervently against police brutality on black people after watching a black man, George Floyd, get killed under the knees of a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25 2020.
Lola has experienced racism firsthand, but she did not stay helpless. She stood up and answered the call to pray. She’s Praying God’s Word of Protection Against Racism and Injustice and you are invited to join her in pages of this book.
Providing an antidote from a Christian Perspective. Lola encourages Readers to cry out to God in prayers against racism and injustice and for deliverance of nations from systemic racism.
Readers who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ will be introduced to the loving heart of God through the pages. There is also an opportunity to be reconciled to Him before engaging in fervent prayers.
This book will help you…
* Get an understanding of what racism is and the injustice it causes.
* Know the heart of God regarding racism and injustice
* Pray the Word of God for protection over your family and household.
* Pray God’s Word against violence and oppression.
* Parents of all races to pray fervent prayers over their children from head
to toe.
* Pray against police brutality on your children and household
* Parents can cover their children with prayers of protection for the day.
* Plus, Praying God’s Word of Protection Against Racism and Injustice.
* Provides ample scriptures which can be used as prayer Starters or can be
used in Bible Study on racism and Injustice.
* Know how community of people experiencing oppression should cry out
to God for deliverance, just as the children of Israel did in the Bible.
Thank you Lola Ademodi Oshinowo for your timely book. Oh how I (we) need God at this time. This book is a reminder of God’s faithfulness. Evil, hate and injustice will not prevail. It is beautiful!
- Beverly Lofton, California
I haven’t read the whole book yet (just the first chapter), but HAVE spent a lot of time praying with Lola Ademodi Oshinowo. She is as deeply connected to prayer as anyone I’ve ever known. This guide to praying over racial injustice will certainly be a go-to for people of color and an opportunity for white Christians to learn, empathize, and grow in our efforts to stand with our black and brown sisters and brothers.
- Adam Mearse, Illinois
About the Author |
Iwalola (Lola) is a mother of three adult Children and four grandchildren (and counting). She has been married to Dr. Babatunde "O'Sheg" Oshinowo Sr. for 41 years. Since retiring from a 37-year career in Information Technology, Lola has served in her church – leading Bible study, offering biblical counseling, and women's ministry, while supporting her husband in his service as an elder in their congregation. |