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MOMENTS OF VICTORY, MOMENTS OF CHANGE: Stories of Perseverance and Quiet Courage by Dorothy Hill Baroch

MOMENTS OF VICTORY, MOMENTS OF CHANGE: Stories of Perseverance and Quiet Courage

by Dorothy Hill Baroch

90 pages
Moments of Victory, Moments of Change is a collection of life stories, a glimpse into the minds and hearts of individuals and families who faced, and in some cases continue to face, adversity with faith and determination. It is a book about hope and determination.

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Category: Parenting:Special Needs Children
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About the Book
Moments of Victory, Moments of Change is a collection of life stories, a glimpse into the minds and hearts of individuals and families who faced, and in some cases continue to face, adversity with faith and determination. While the stories are different, threads of hope and courage are woven throughout, connecting them, and forming a common bond. Each chapter contains the story of an individual or family and their accomplishments in the face of difficult conditions, medical or emotional issues, or other hardships.

The intent is to honor the tenacity of the people and their families who have willingly shared their stories and to express appreciation for the communities of love and support that surround them.

Napoleon Hill, an American self–help author, once said, “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”

The life stories in Moments of Victory, Moments of Change are about individuals who face, struggle with, and move beyond major challenges. It is a book about hope and determination.



About the Author
Dorothy Hill Baroch lives with her husband, Ed, in Las Vegas, Nevada. She has traveled extensively in the United States and abroad. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, crafts, and visiting with family and friends. Baroch also published Listen to the Heartbeat of the Church and has authored numerous magazine articles.



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