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The Echo of Silent Guns by Barbara Thiele

The Echo of Silent Guns

by Barbara Thiele

414 pages
This courageous woman triumphs over the brutality of almost constant warfare throughout her life. After the loss of her husband William in WW1, she migrates to Australia with her family. The Korean war follows WW2, followed by the Vietnam war. Her story reveals the futility of warfare and the personal pain and loss inflicted on vast populations.

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Category: Fiction:Historical
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About the Book
This remarkable woman, Ida May Morris was an imaginative raconteur, telling tall tales to entertain her family and friends. Her own story takes the reader through history as Ida experiences discrimination, brutal riots, class struggles, sexual abuse and the suffrage movements. When her husband William is killed at the Battle of the Somme, she takes her two children and extended family to Australia for a better life. Moving to the raw outback was not a simple solution.



About the Author
Barbara migrated from Australia to the US in 1976 with her family. Prior to a her new career in writing, she specialized in medical technology and biblical counseling. In her spare time she raised sheep, painted in oils and water colors and wrote and illustrated children's stories. She is a student of history and advocate of peace. Her previous novel Venomous Faith also portrays women of strength and courage facing brutal challenges. Barbara is Ida May's granddaughter.



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