Writing for Magazines: Twelve New Things Writers Must Do Today to Make Money
by Meg Weaver
133 pages
Step-by-step, hands-on book helps freelancers get published in today's magazines, including a fill-in-the-blanks query letter.
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Category: Writing:Freelance
About the Book
This is not warmed-over advice you've seen in every other book or article. In "Writing for Magazines: Twelve New Things Writers Must Do Today to Make Money", you'll discover:
+ The one simple key strategy you must practice to be a successful freelancer today.
+ The three 'must-have' facts writer's guidelines usually leave out and where to find them.
+ How to get the secret document that tells you exactly what topics editors want articles about - and when.
+ The one easy test you can use to overcome the dreaded "Don't meet our needs" rejection.
+ The seven things you must always include in your query letter.
+ One sure-fire way to convince the editor to take a chance on you even though you don't have any clips.
+ Five ways to get paid even when the magazine offers no money.
+ A customizable template for query letters that fits every kind of non-fiction article:
+ A market list of over 90 magazine publishers and their magazines, complete with addresses and telephone numbers.
Learn the secrets of full-time articles writers. Now, they're only a quick download away!
What a terrific resource!
- Jenna Glatzer, Absolute Write
I thought all the writing books out there had said it all. And then I read your book. You actually have the magic answers!
- Ursula, a reader
This book excels in showing writers how to specifically target markets in a way that I've never seen another writing reference do.
- Christine Reed, E-Writers
[Weaver's] information is useful and helped me look at my own articles and queries in a new way.
- Connie Myers, Writing Corner/Reading Corner
[A] spectacular e-book! Can't stand to read on the screen? Buy a ream of paper and an extra ink cartridge and print it out! Yes, this book is worth the effort.
- Margaret Carr, The Writers E-Zine
[Meg's Foolproof Acceptance Test] is really one of the few truly useful tools I've seen among the veritable avalanche of freelancing material.
- Anne Louise Bannon - a reader
I read your e-book from start to finish and absolutely loved it! There are many new ideas in your book that I will put to good use - and I am finding your web site to be a valuable resource, as well.
- Jackie Gately - a reader
Wonderful! I've never stopped to analyze my markets in that way before to see how well my submissions will fit and [now] it makes so much sense!
- Lisa Beamer - a reader
I recommend this book highly to anyone who wants to write. I also invite some editors to read Chapter 3, Writer's Guidelines. They, like I, could learn a lot.
- Kathy Johnson, Absolute Write
Nothing beats Weaver's take on writing query letters. She won't just tell you how to write a winning query letter - she'll even show you how to write one.
- Shery Ma Belle Arrieta of The e-Writer's Place
About the Author |
Having been published for the first time at 12 years old, Meg has had thousands of articles published on all five continents. She has an electronic engineering degree and has worked in high-tech sales and marketing for thirty years before starting Wooden Horse Pub as a news and market resource for article writers. |